color key — blue: mental health. contrast of light and dark correlates with bright and somber tones of voice.
Finally Clean
coming clean was the hardest thing to do.
when you keep something inside for so long, it starts to become a core part of you. this core part of me was rooted in years of abuse, tears, and wondering, “why me?”
now, it feels like this core has been exposed to every ray of sun and every prodding finger. i’ve had to explain my story so many times, going over the explicit parts in excruciating detail.
and he made me look him in the eyes.
but this time, he must look me in the eyes, as we face each other in a court of justice. it is him against me, and i have the upper hand.
the pain i felt when i had to look him in the eyes increased ten fold when i finally came clean. the screams of agony and disbelief were the perfect song to the years i had experienced.
it was harder than i ever imagined it would be, and yet i did it.