color key — yellow: relationships; blue: mental health. contrast of light and dark correlates with bright and somber tones of voice.
I Hope One Day
Because I've never spoken out about this before, but I feel like this is a proper time. Because it's necessary to share our stories to help those around us who may feel alone and lost, as I once did.
To the boy who made me feel lesser and unimportant. To the boy I thought I loved, who I thought loved me. I will never forget how you treated me. Like your emotional punching bag, like everything that happened to you was my fault. For continually putting me down for your own good, because you felt you could. To the boy that still slips into my nightmares, six years later.
I hope that one day the way you treated me will be a thing of the past, not a societal norm. I hope that one day girls will never have to experience the emotional trauma that girls experience on a regular basis today. I hope for a brighter and safer future for my future students and kids and all the women to follow.