color key — yellow: relationships; blue: mental health. the contrast of light and dark correlates with bright and somber tones of voice.
It's Never Enough
It's never enough. That sentence is stuck in my mind every single day.
There are only two of us, my mom and I. She's retired right now, and I have become the one who is responsible for this family. I work in a digital agency, not because I like it, but because I need more money. You have no idea how sad I was when I had to leave my previous company for a better offer. I used to have my dream job, but I was getting paid less than I am right now. I'm so grateful for my job, to be honest with you. After a year I have been given a good raise by my boss and now I can get my own place for me and my mom. But at the end of the day, it's never enough.
The moment I have a good salary, I have to pay for rent and all the other bills. I work longer than 9 to 5. I work so hard, but I can rarely enjoy my own money. Jealousy is a big word, but I have a bunch of friends at work, and I know I have the biggest salary if I compared it to them. But they can go to a fancy restaurant and buy some luxury brands. I can't do that. It feels tragic when you're the successful one but you feel like the poor one, even though that’s not true. I have a lot of responsibility that they don't have.
Sometimes I think, why do I have to sacrifice my dream job? Why have my needs become the least of my priorities? But do I have any other options? I don't think so.