color key — blue: mental health. the contrast of light and dark correlates with bright and somber tones of voice.
Shy Little Girl
I don't know why I get so offended. Am I being too sensitive? I feel like people will never take me seriously. I feel like I constantly have to prove everyone wrong and sway people to think that I am qualified. Today someone said “How can she be fit for the job? She is so shy.” Another said “You’re so quiet.”
All day I kept thinking about these two comments and couldn’t seem to understand why they hurt my feelings. It's not like what they said isn't true and it's also not offensive. They weren't bullying me, they were just stating facts. It got me thinking — why am I so afraid to speak up?
I've always been shy since I was a little girl. I hated presenting during class, got nervous just to say “here” when they called my name, and wouldn't dare use the bathroom during class, either. I'm now a senior in college holding down a part time job and internship, but I still feel like that shy little girl. Will I ever break through this shell? Will I one day not be afraid to speak up and be myself?
Or maybe this is who I am. Should I stop being ashamed of who I really am?