color key — green: relationship to self; yellow: relationships; red: abuse, blue: mental health. contrast of light and dark correlates with bright and somber tones of voice.
Woman, Tamed Wild.
My survival, my sanctuary
And in it the door
To my heart, my home
A place all remain welcome
Though it sits
Derelict, defeated
And overgrown
In the center, by the cold hearth
I sit alone
Wondering what worth is
When I’m on my own
Do I deserve to feel desire
Or will intimacy
Always be defined by
A youth I’ve struggled
To feel beautiful in, to freely roam?
Will I ever covet myself
The way I’ve been controlled
By others, by those
Who have left me here
Aging—reaped and sown?
The questions are a quiet tune
A sinister, self-sung hum of
Grief, abuse
I search for answers
In the wild, our tamed wild
But the answers are unknown
The answers aren’t my own.